A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Creamy cauliflower tagliatelle

From Miguel Barclay’s book Vegan £1 Meals. The following recipe serves one person, so double the ingredients to serve two.

½ cauliflower, chopped into chunks
Salt and pepper
1 handful egg-free dried tagliatelle
1 mug almond milk
Olive oil

Keep some small, nice-looking cauliflower florets to one side for the topping.

Bring a pan of salted water to a boil, add the cauliflower chunks and cook for about 10 minutes, until soft. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a pan of salted boiling water until al dente.

Drain the cauliflower, then blitz in a food processor with the almond milk and a generous pinch of salt and pepper, until smooth.

Season and fry the reserved florets in a glug of olive oil over a medium heat for about six minutes.

Drain the pasta, mix with the cauliflower sauce, and transfer to a plate. Top with the pan-fried florets, drizzle with a generous glug of olive oil, season and serve.

Categories:  Recipes, cauliflower

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