A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Broadbeans with Lettuce

Based on a Nigel Slater recipe, this simple dish really embraces the seasonal flavours of mid summer.

Heat a little butter or olive oil in a large shallow pan until the butter is foaming. Cut the spring onions into 1inch lengths then add to the butter /oil and cook for a few minutes. Meanwhile, cook the broad beans in a pan of boiling water for 2-3 minutes, or until tender enough to slip the skins off (only worth doing on less fresh beans!).

Place a layer of lettuce leaves 2-3 leaf thick inside side down on top of the spring onions and add enough  vegetable stock to nearly cover the lettuce. Scatter over the drained broad beans. Add peas if you have, season lightly with salt and freshly ground black pepper and simmer for a few minutes. Finish with some mint leaves and serve once the vegetables are tender.

Categories:  Recipes

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