A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Potato Challenge 2015

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Between February and July of 2015 we are supporting local schools to answer the question –

Could your grow enough potatoes to feed the entire school?

You don’t need land and you don’t need money!  All you need is enthusiasm.

potatochallenge logo2 largePrimary School Participants Page

Secondary School Participants Page

Potato Challenge Timeline

  •  January – Register for Potato Challenge by 4pm
  • February – Receive your Chit Kits and potatoes
  • March – Plant out Potato Parties as part of Waltham Forest Cultivate Festival and British Science Week
  • May – Submit entry into Earth Up Photo Contest
  • June – Submit entry into Creative Potato Recipe Contest
  • June 18th Potato Festival at OrganicLea’s Hawkwood Nursery and submit your answers to could your potatoes grow enough to feed your school
  • July 18th-19th 2015 School winners honoured at Waltham Forest Garden Party
    •      Awards for Most Creative Recipe, Best Earth Up Photo and Winner of the Potato Challenge

This follows last year’s chilli challenge, which saw 10 schools in Waltham forest growing as many chillies as possible and then harvesting their seeds to swap and form the basis of a seed library. This challenge is part of Organiclea’s initiative to support more food growing in schools. Interested in growing more than chillis? We can help! We support primary and secondary schools to develop food growing spaces and food-based enterprises. Please contact us at schools@organiclea.org.uk or call 07876458017

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