A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Forest Time at OrganicLea: spring/summer term

Based in the woods at OrganicLea’s beautiful and abundant 12 acre food growing site, our Forest Time sessions are open to all pre-schoolers will get you exploring, adventuring and playing in the woods with your little one!

We offer two Friday sessions:

• 9.45 – 11.45 (for children from walking)

• 12.45 to 2.45 (for children who no longer need to nap)

We offer a nature-based exploration for children & their grownups, giving us a chance to connect with ourselves, each other, and nature. Deeply integrated with the rhythms of OrganicLea’s horticultural and ecology support work, our sessions are based in free play & community-building, using a wealth of nature-based crafts, seasonal food growing knowledge, stories, bushcraft skills, songs & games.

It’s also a chance to sink into the pace of forest time, and listen to the natural world with wonderment, reverence, respect, and delight!

How much does it cost?

Our sessions are as much for adults as they are for children. Each two-hour weekly session costs £15 (£7.50 per child plus £7.50 per adult.) Sibling tickets cost £5 from walking, or free for crawlers or those in arms.

We have some bursary places.

We are committed to keeping sessions accessible for all families. We offer a number of reduced cost places for families on a low income. Also feel free to get in touch if it is difficult for you to pay for all 8 sessions in one go.

FRIDAY spring-summer term dates: 8 sessions on Friday 21, 28 April, 5, 12, 19, 26 May, 2 June, 9 June 2023. Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/forest-time-at-organiclea-springsummer-term-tickets-587286318187

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