A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

What’s in the bags this week – 7 June

Here are the details of this week’s fruit and veg bags. Tempted? Join our box scheme here.

From OrganicLea in Chingford: Asparagus, rhubarb, green onions, broad beans, radish and salad.
From Sarah Green in Essex:  Chard, lettuce, kohl rabi and radish.
From Ripple Organics in Kent: Salad.
From Wye Orchard in Kent: Courgettes.
From Bore Farm in Kent: Spinach.
From Wild Country in Cambridgeshire:
Cucumbers, coriander and spinach.

From Bedlam in Cambridgeshire: Asparagus and baby globe artichokes.
From Hughes Organics in Norfolk: Onions (Netherlands).
From Capel Mushrooms in Suffolk: White mushrooms.

From Skea in Dundee: Red potatoes.
From organic wholesalers Langridge: Gala apples (Kent), spring greens (Devon), cauliflower (Lincs), aubergine, rainbow carrots, conference pears (Netherlands), oranges, plums (Spain), lemons, peaches, kiwis, (Italy) and bananas (Dominican Republic).

Large vegetable bags have red potatoes, rainbow carrots, brown onions, salad, chard, kohl rabi, aubergine, cucumbers and coriander. No potato bags have courgettes.

Standard vegetable bags have red potatoes, rainbow carrots, green onions, lettuce, spinach, kohl rabi, artichokes and cucumbers No potato bags have spring greens.

Medium vegetable bags have red potatoes, rainbow carrots, spinach, broad beans or asparagus, cucumbers and mushrooms. No potato bags have kohl rabi.

Small vegetable bags have red potatoes, green onions, salad, radish and cauliflower. No potato bags have cucumbers.

Standard fruit bags have gala apples, bananas, kiwi, peaches and plums.

Medium fruit bags have rhubarb, bananas, kiwi and plums.

Small fruit bags have pears, oranges and lemons.

Contents may vary due to availability. Read more about our Farmstart programme here.

Categories:  In the bags, In the Bags This Week, News

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