A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Job opportunities

We are recruiting for two roles within Organiclea’s food distribution work.

Our food distribution takes a number of forms:  as well as our own community stalls and box scheme there are a number of cafes and restaurants we work closely with.

We are now recruiting for a Produce Distribution Co-ordinator who can lead on growing our box scheme and developing new partnerships for distributing our own and other local produce.

For this role we are looking for someone who:
·    Can demonstrate sound and enthusiastic organising skills;
·    Has ability to coordinate strategic and practical planning of our distribution work – which currently includes a weekly box scheme of over 150 bags and weekly produce deliveries to 8 catering outlets (June 2012);
·    Is excited about holding and developing relationships with Organiclea’s key partners in the food supply (from small growers to wholesalers) and catering (cafes and restaurants) communities;
·    Can grow our box scheme and develop new ways of distributing Organiclea’s growing crop of London-grown produce;
·    Has experience of organic food production;
·    Is committed to the important role that food-distribution plays in the social and economic resilience of small-scale food producers and enterprises.

In summary this means a passion for fresh, organic, local food distribution. For Organiclea this currently means growing our box scheme, making it inspiring in both content and approach and developing enterprising partnerships based on respect and trust with customers in the catering trade and companions in the wider organic growers community.

Download the full job description and application process here. Closing date 10 July.

We are also recruiting for a Saturday stalls coordinator. We are looking for someone to take on the role of co-ordinating the staffing, organisation and promotion of our community market stalls which take place every Saturday at the Hornbeam Centre and in Leytonstone, and to work regularly on these stalls.

As well as regular shifts on one or other of the stalls, the role involves coordination of the stalls, including managing the stall rota, liaising with the produce distribution coordinator, planning publicity and stall events, and recruiting and supporting volunteers.

To carry out this role successfully you will need to have:
a commitment to organic, seasonal, quality fresh food, to community empowerment and to co-operative ways of working;
the ability to inspire and enthuse people and communicate well (especially about vegetables!);
experience of working with volunteers or a demonstrable understanding of the benefits and challenges of involving volunteers;
the ability to delegate tasks effectively, and to work on your own initiative and as part of a team;
strong organisational, administrative and time management skills;
van driving skills (+ full driving licence) and ability to cycle with a trailer (or willingness to learn);
experience of selling fresh produce and/or work in a retail environment.

Full job description and application process here.

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