A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Tag ArchivesWalthamforest

6th February 2013

Standard Vegetable Bags have Red Cara potatoes (Lancashire), onions (Lincolnshire), carrots, parnsips (Norfolk B), curly kale (Essex), golden and choggia beetroot, red cabbage, cauliflower (Kent), garlic (Chingford). No Potato Bags have Cavolo Nero (Chingford & Kent) and white cabbage (Essex). …

30th January 2013

Standard Vegetable Bags have Red Cara and Ryecroft Purple potatoes (Lancashire), onions, January King cabbage (Lincolnshire), carrots, leeks, swede (Norfolk B), sprout tops (Essex), purple sprouting broccoli (UK). No Potato Bags have mushrooms (Suffolk) and choggia beetroot (UK). Large Vegetable …

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