A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

OrganicLea Site Visits for Schools

OrganicLea is a working market garden that provides families across Northeast London with fresh, local, organically produced food. We also support schools, housing estates, and community organisations to develop their own growing spaces. But many schools want to come and see what we’re all about!

If you’re interested in coming to visit we provide you with DBS-checked OrganicLea staff member to guide you around our site, ensure health and safety, and engage participants food-growing fun! We gear each site visit to the needs of our visitors but have also have themed site tours that you can choose from, including Wildlife and Nature, Grow to Sell – Intro to Garden Enterprise, and Where does my Food Come From?

Site visits are typically 2-3 hours long and include a tour of our 12-acre site, a horticultural activity, and usually an age-appropriate game. Please contact schools@organiclea.org.uk for details of prices and to book.

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