A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley
Same but different
Blackboard – in these times
Potting on outdoors – new work area so safe distances can be maintained.
Entrance Field views on Wednesday afternoon. People spread across the field maintaining their physical distance, yet the spirit here is always about being in it together.
Potting on in the glasshouse
Catching ladybirds team .. too good not to photograph!
Red clover and phacelia – green manure beds on the salad terrace; doing it for the soil and the pollinators too.
Pollinators are everywhere
Box Pack – which has experienced unprecendented growth in terms of customers
Tim has designed a whole new course option and is nearly half way through delivering remote classroom learning – 10 learners achieving NOCN Level 1 Award in Horticulture – taking remote classroom theory into their own food growing spaces and sharing results with each other. Keeping up with our London Learning Consortium Adult learning commitments for 2020 – designed primarily for those currently on work-related benefits.
11am circle, the site is so early summer green and people stand around the board – at 2 metre distances from each other. This week (beginning 11 May), tasks have included potting on all manner of squash varieties, planting out sweetcorn in the entrance field, weeding horsetail on the salad terrace while planting out summer leaves, sowing parnips directly into the salad terrace, catching ladybirds to support pest management in the glasshouse, preparing beds for planting in entrance field, maintaining green manure beds, frost protection of young plants on hardening off stage AND cherry protection .. THAT’S ALL MAY WAY!
Notes to everywhere: Plants in their delivery boxes; sown, potted on, cared for and now ready to grow in gardens and places across the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
Remember those November plantings of onions in Springfield and garlic with broad beans in the Glasshouse Westwing? My how they have grown. Glasshouse is also now with strings in the ground with tomatoes and cucumbers reaching for their first rung.