A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley


We’re excited to be part of the project POWER  – a local project with big ambitions to use one street in Walthamstow as a template for people powered action here and now and to demand Government action on both climate and economy.

We love the film made on our site all about OrganicLea when the POWER team came to visit! You can watch it here.

Initiated by the team behind Bank Job the POWER project involves mass participation art, documentary film and cooperative energy as a diverse community come together to recognise our collective power and quite literally create it—moving from consumers to producers of energy. The first phase involves printing money (called ‘Greenbacks’), selling the banknotes as artworks and raising the money (sterling) to:

Build a POWER STATION by installing solar onto one street as a model for how this could/should be happening across the country to address poverty and climate and energy crisis.

Unleash economic stimulus distributing sterling to local organisations working for social, economic justice – and that includes OrganicLea!

Over the next three months the race is on to raise £1Million through the sale of these limited edition banknote artworks. The greenback banknotes are works of art made right now in Walthamstow and you can buy notes or find out more on the POWER website.

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