In the bags this week:
Produce from: Hughes Organics (Norfolk), Breckland Organics (Norfolk B), Woodlands Organics (Lincolnshire), Riverdale Farm (Cambridgeshire) and other small farmers in East Anglia, Sarah Green (Essex), our Hawkwood Plant Nursery (Chingford) and local ‘Cropshare’ growers. Produce also comes from organic farmer and local wholesaler Perry Court Farm (Kent) and from organic wholesaler Langridge (especially non-UK fruit). Contents may vary due to availability.
Standard vegetable bags have Valor potatoes (Lincs), onions (NL), carrots (Yorks), broad beans (Chingford), spring greens, chard (Essex) mushrooms (Suffolk), cauliflower (Lincs). No potato bags have leeks (Lincs).
Large vegetable bags have Valor potatoes (Lincs), onions (NL), carrots (Yorks), Pak Choi (Essex), spinach, leeks, cauliflower (Norfolk), brown mushrooms (Suffolk), broad beans (Chingford). No potato bags have purple sprouting broccoli instead of cauliflower and radish (Kent).
Medium vegetable bags have Valor potatoes (Lincs), carrots (Yorks), chard (Essex), purple sprouting broccoli (Lincs), beetroot (Lancs), white mushrooms (Suffolk). No potato bags have Pak Choi (Essex) instead of beetoot and radish (Kent).
Small vegetable bags have Valor potatoes (Lincs), onions (NL), mixed salad (Chingford), cauliflower (Norfolk), white mushroom (Suffolk). No potato bags have radish (Kent).
Standard fruit bags have Red Pippin apples (Kent), bananas (Dominican Republic), Blood oranges, kiwi, mandarin (Italy).
Medium fruit bags have Red Pippin apples (Kent), Blood oranges, mandarin (Italy), bananas (Dominican Republic).
Small fruit bags have Red Pippin apples (Kent), rhubarb (Chingford), mandarin (Italy).