Standard vegetable bags: Ambo potatoes, sprouts, leeks (Essex), carrots, onions, Beetroot red (Norfolk B), Spinach (Kent), Kohl Rabi (Lincs) and Jerusalem artichokes (Chingford) No potato bags have brown chestnut mushrooms
Large vegetable bags: as standard bags with larger quantities of potatoes, carrots, onions, sprouts, Jerusalem artichoke, kohl rabi and a radiccio
Small veg bags: Ambo potatoes (Essex), carrots (Norfolk B), Spinach (Kent), cabbage red (Norfolk), parsnips and leeks (Essex). No potato bags have black radish (Chingford)
Standard fruit bags have bananas (Dominican Republic), cox apples, Russet apples (Cambs), clementines (Spain), and Avocado, and Pomegranates (Italy).
Small fruit bags have avocado, Cox apples (Kent), clementines (Spain), and pomegranates (Italy)