A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Take the flour back

Sunday 27 May, noon, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden.

Organiclea and the Community Food Growers Network will be joining a large group of bakers, retailers, growers, and grassroots food campaigners to show our support for the campaign against the genetic modified wheat trial in Rothamsted.

We support this campaign because we believe that the trial is unsafe – it risks contaminating other crops, and the effects on human health and on insects vital to pollination haven’t been properly tested; and unnecessary – to reduce world hunger and decrease the use of pesticides we need equitable systems of food distribution and access to land, and sustainable methods of agriculture.

The public rally will meet at Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, at 12 noon to share picnics, swap seeds, try bread from organic bakers and hear live music from Seize the Day. The day will bring together people who oppose GM in the UK with people resisting GM in other parts of the world, with voices from Latin America, Asia and Africa sharing their experiences of the social and environmental effects of GM crops. The day has been organised for anyone who feels able to help remove the GM crop, and for those who wish to show their support for them. Families and wearers of customised aprons particularly welcome!

How to get there: Frequent trains run from London St Pancras to Harpenden (30 mins journey). The park is 10 minutes walk from Harpenden Station, directions will be available at the station.

See www.taketheflourback.org for more information about the day, and other ways to take action if you can’t make it on the 27th.

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