A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Permaculture Sunday!

This Sunday, 6 May is international permaculture day – which means a day to celebrate permaculture.

At Organiclea’s Hawkwood growing site this coming Sunday we have 2 activities that celebrate permaculture:

*From 12-1pm, there will be a guided introduction to permaculture led by Julie Porter.

She will use the Hawkwood site to share some inspiring design principles and provide information about learning more, through introductory courses in London and with an accredited design course in Autumn 2012 run by Organiclea.

*From 11-3pm, we are holding one of our weekly Sunday plant sale events. A range of plants, grown in good-health at Hawkwood will be for sale. Permaculture favourites include:
– a diverse range of tomato plants; something for every palate and growing space (yellow, Italian plum, tiger striped, tumbling and simply a gardeners delight!)
– heritage French beans from our own saved seed stock; London cultivars that are no longer commercially available, are grown by Organiclea and rated as both a fresh and dried bean!
– a range of companion flowers for the vegetable garden.
– soft fruit bushes that will sweeten any productive garden and offer currants and berries throughout the year. The range includes wine-berries, loganberries, red, white and black currants and grape vines; all cut and grown on from our own fruit-garden stock.

From 2-3pm, for those buying plants, there will be a free taster training hour with one of our growers to help you settle the plants into the garden with aftercare advice.

Drop by, or stay for the day – all welcome!!

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