A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

The vine trail

Growing and looking after grape vines
Sat 26 November, 9.30-4
A popular course in 2010 – a one day course that will look at everything to do with growing grape vines, from their planting, and growth training, propagating new plants and specific pruning essentials. It will be based at the Hawkwood growing site, with learning practicals at more established local vine growing sites. (A minibus will transport participants). Led by Marko Bojcun who has been growing vines and making wine in Northeast London for over 20 years. He is an experienced tutor and member of Organiclea.

Please bring a packed lunch.

Course fee: £60/ £40 / £20 [+small transportation cost] (see our course fee guide for details of how concessions apply).

Book your place now on our registration page!

Click here for directions to the Hawkwood community plant nursery where the course takes place.

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