A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Grow Skills for Life

Courses at Organiclea’s Hawkwood site are growing as quickly as the plants! Full details below…

Developing training courses at our growing site is an important part of our food growing and land-skills work. Our 2011 programme offers a range of courses using practical and theoretical sessions that tap into the different ways we all learn!

Our partnerships with other providers of learning are an exciting part of this work. We are really looking forward to working again with those who delivered and organised courses with us last year such as the Natural Beekeeping Trust, Wholewoods and Community Learning Waltham Forest (CLaSS). In addition there are new partnerships this year enabling us to deliver unique courses in mushroom cultivation, balcony vegetable gardening and willow weaving… to name just a few. There is also our own growing team delivering trusted specific courses on organic food growing, fruit tree pruning, wine making and supporting communities to garden, with some new ones due to demand for example ‘DIY for the organic gardener’.

We aim to appeal to the working hands and feet of those involved in food growing and land skills development work, and to offer a course fee structure that allows people to take part.

We continue to value our partnership with CLaSS Waltham Forest – provider of adult learning in this Borough and who organise several courses with us. This year we have continued to deliver accredited horticulture courses with CLaSS and developed classes for adults with learning disabilities and for ESOL learners – offered by CLaSS for free. They are also supporting courses for our site volunteers.

It’s not only about the courses. We encourage all to keep learning and putting new skills into practice by joining the regular weekly volunteer teams at the Hawkwood site. Contact Sophie at Hawkwood (020 8524 4994) or sophie[at]organiclea.org.uk for information about Tuesday and Friday opportunities from 11am-4pm.

We look forward to the season ahead – see course dates and descriptions here

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