A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Mulch mulch mulch

Today, even by organiclea standards, was a bit of a mulchathon.

For those not in the know, the aim of mulching is to supress unwanted vegetation from growing in places where it is or will be competing with things we have planted, or in places where we want to plant things soon.

In these pictures you can see us laying down cardboard and/or thick layers of newspapers and covering it with compost or woodchip.

One of the joys of a good day mulching is that it involves enormous amounts of wheelbarrowing compost about, which is one of my favourite activities. We managed to run out of wheelbarrows for a bit so I took a couple of photos to kill time.

As well as mulching on the main entrance field, there was also a considerable strip of mulch (see above) being put down around a row of willow being planted alongside the site entrance.

This willow was brought down on bicycle from Bradford by a bunch of activists heading for a climate justice action in London who were using it for their banners. We propagated some of it which survived the winter and now will be welcoming future visitors into the site.

In addition to the mass mulch Lucy gave the cherry tree stumps a haircut. Note the lovely row of newly planted willow.

Clare and Nuria dug up the artichokes. Note Clare’s nice straight back… years of gardening expertise if i ever saw it.

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