A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Fruity friday

Today was a fruity friday and strawberries were the order of the day. Fridays is a volunteer day here every week from 11am till 4pm everyone is welcome. Above you can see a picture of Louise and Ru planting them. It’s a shame the computer cropped the top of Ru’s head off though.

The first strawberry strip
The first strawberry strip
Lucile went exploring and found loads of flowers
Lucia with flowers

Lucia comes with her mum Louise quite often – she is a great explorer and found all of these lovely flowers.

Huf and the big tractor
Huf and the big tractor

Huf is driving the tractor around to break up the sub-soil. He doesn’t normally have an expression like that. I think he just made it at me because I was taking a photo of him. Ian took over from him on the tractor after a while cos he got a stiff neck.

Sean with compost
Sean with compost

Normally when I come on a Thursday Sean is in the office using a computer but today he was allowed out!

Holly and her poster
Holly and her poster

Holly is making a poster in the glasshouse, a nice warm, calm and sensible job if ever there was one.

Brian and Ed with newspaper
Brian and Ed with newspaper

Ed and Brian used cardboard and newspaper to mulch the strawberry beds.

Marko watching Nicole mattock
Marko and Nicole and mattocks

Nicole and Marko did battle with brambles.

My attempted arty shot of sheet mulching with newspaper
My attempt at an arty shot of sheet mulching with newspaper
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