A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Pick our Leaves!

This week BBC news has reported on the first salad grown and eaten in space. To be honest we’re much more excited about watching the natural phenomenon of the Perseid meteor shower and we are certain the space leaves aren’t as tasty as Organiclea’s! Which is a good nudge to say please do nominate us in the Urban Food Awards.

The Urban Food Awards are open once again for the London public to celebrate the best of food produced and sold in the city. We were proud to win ‘best urban food producer’ last year and this year we’re definitely eligible to enter the ‘London Leaves’ category for the best salad or herb leaves grown here in London, with our mixed salad featuring over 80 different leaves and 40 edible flowers, including heritage varieties, across the year. We need the votes though… so it would be great if you could spend a few minutes nominating us, all the info you need is below. You also get the opportunity to nominate your favourite bread, ale, honey, cheese and sausages… and an entry into a prize draw for an Urban Feast at Borough Market.

To make a nomination: go to www.sustainweb.org/londonfoodlink/awards/

As well as your email address (you get the choice to opt in or out of future mailings!), you’ll be asked for: Name of producer -Organiclea

Address: Hawkwood Nursery, 115 Hawkwood Crescent, E4 7UH

Email: info@organiclea.org.uk

Website: www.organiclea.org.uk

That’s it! Thankyou very much.


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